Posing a question!
The photo someone took of you on holiday or 'off your face' in a bar is not necessarily the best way to put yourself forward! Here's some tips on being the right sort of poser! You name it, I've seen it!
I've lost track of the number of mugshots I've seen where people have stood 'transfixed' in front of the camera looking like a startled rabbit. I've also lost track of the amount of shots I've seen with guys & girls adopting what they think is a model's pose - pouting, looking coy, trying to look sexy ... It takes a good photographer and a practiced model to achieve those sort of looks 'naturally' so unless you're a natural poser and working with someone who can be focused and subjective, avoid trying to achieve anything like glamour shots! Here's a little 'trick of the trade' to remember when being photographed. It's very easy for headshots to appear unnatural and even clumsy because of the time taken between the model 'striking the pose' and the photographer taking the shot. A good tip is to 'come up to camera' fresh for every shot ... what this means is that you should look, or even turn away from the camera, get an idea in your head of how you want to look for the next shot and then bring yourself back to camera with the 'pose' in place. A good photographer will shoot as you come back to camera ensuring a good, fresh pose rather than a stale one ... this is especially true when smiles are involved as a smile can quickly turn into a grimace if it's held too long! Try to impart something in your headshots ... if you want a happy shot then think of something happy before you strike the pose .... or something that makes you laugh, or something that makes you sad ... and if you want a sexy look then just think of SEX before you strike the pose!! The eyes can say a whole lot about you, and about your ability in front of a camera.