your first stop for auditions, casting calls and other opportunities in the entertainment industry

the latest auditions at StarsInMyEyes.TV

Casting TV series and Commercials

Extras wanted for TV series, TV commercials and feature films

Feature Film Casting

This is a casting for a major Hollywood Feature Film - extras and background artists required nationwide

Share your Relationship Story and earn up to £1000!

We are a feature writing agency working with top UK titles like Star, Now, and Bella, and are looking for interesting relationship stories to write about.

Be the star of your favourite magazine! Earn up to £2,000!

We are a professional feature writing agency, working with the top UK magazines and newspaper titles like Bella, Take a Break and the Daily Express.

Street Dance Teacher Required - Birmingham

Childrens street dance teacher required to teach Saturday morning dance in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham.

Be in Magazines and Newspapers - and receive a BIG FEE!

Everyone has a story to tell ... how is YOURS worth?!

Sell your story to the nationals for great fee!

Sell your story to the Press Association and we can place it with a national newspaper or magazine for a top fee!

Models Needed For National Magazines

National Magazines Looking For Real Life Stories, With Great Pics To Match

Ladies wanted for Dance Group

The styles I teach are a combination of Giddha & Bhangra (and some Bollywood). These are traditional Punjabi Folk Dance styles, originating in the Punjab, Northern India. The moves are feminine, fast paced, graceful, energetic and fun! I choreograph my own moves so the pieces I teach are quite unique.

NEED a singer teacher?!

If you love to sing and either have a passion for it or just do it as a hobby, then maybe this is for you.