your first stop for auditions, casting calls and other opportunities in the entertainment industry

Audition for Casting major food and drinks ad campaign - great fees

Casting for a renowned plant-based foor and drinks brand campaign

Looking for people aged 20 to 50 - all races, ethnicities and gender identities that have expressive faces/eyes and an interesting look.  This is for a stills campaign with a fee between £2,860 and £3,860.

Looking for talent who look/feel iconic! They have to 'stand out'

Anyone submitting for these roles need to be comfortable on camera and delivering a performance.

Shooting one day 12th, 13th and 14th September

Deadline for applications is 28th August 2023

Sorry, this audition opportunity has expired

Age Range
20 to 50



Payment Type


Audition created Wednesday 23 August 2023
Audition expired 28 August 2023

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