your first stop for auditions, casting calls and other opportunities in the entertainment industry

Audition for Do you want a free valuation of items in your house?

We're filmed a non-broadcast taster of a new television format and we are looking for people happy to let our experts into their homes to value their items to sell...

Do you have a house full of clutter that you think could be worth some CASH?

Would you like to clear it out and make some money?
Would you welcome a team of experts into your home to value your things?

Have you started a collection that’s got out of hand?
A hobby that’s turned into a hoard?
We are looking for people willing to show us around their home to value the items within it for a non-broadcast pilot.
Whether it’s tellys or vintage toys, antique chairs or modern furniture, books, clothes or old curtains,
everything in your home has a value – but how much is it actually all worth?

Sorry, this audition opportunity has expired

Age Range
18 to 75+



Payment Type


Audition created Tuesday 20 November 2018
Audition expired 07 December 2018

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